PhD students

Bastidas Ortega, Lenin Enrique


Doctoral school

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (2017 - )


Geography MSc, Risk and resource analyser specialization
Eszterházy Karoly, University of Applied Sciences, Eger

Language Skills

Spanish, English, Portuguese


Long-term changes in glacier- and snow-cap cover at the volcanoes of Ecuador by using remote sensing

Contact Location: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/c, HUNGARY.
Office 1.210
Phone: +36 1 381-2111
E-mail: lebastidas17[at]


Bastidas, L. 2017. Investigation Land cover and land use in one study area in South America (Huancavelica) with GIS methodology.  CONDESAN/COSUDE: Quito – Ecuador.

Peralvo, M. y Bastidas, L. 2014. Monitoring of change land use and land cove sites scale. Protocol 3 – Versión 1. 2014. CONDESAN/COSUDE: Quito – Ecuador.

Bastidas, L. 2009. Study for adding urban land until 2020, to settlements of San Antonio and Pomasqui, using geo-spatial technics. ESPE: Sangolquí  - Ecuador.

Research Projects

  • ICAA, CONDESAN Landscape Analysis in Cusco and Napo – LAICA. 2014.

  • Generation of knowledge and strengthening of capacities as answer of adaptation of environment adaptation in the Andes CIMA – Land cover and land use around the area of volcanic complex Pichincha - Ecuador. Spanish: Generación de conocimiento y fortalecimiento de capacidades como respuesta de adaptación a los cambios ambientales en los Andes CIMA – Cobertura y uso de la tierra en el área que circunda al complejo volcánico Pichincha - Ecuador. 2013.

  • Forest governance and territorial planning in Napo-Ecuador. Spanish: Gobernanza forestal y planificación territorial en Napo. CONDESAN/MAE. 2013.

  • Analysis of change dynamics of land covers in the Andean Community. Spanish: Análisis de las dinámicas de cambio de cobertura de la tierra en la Comunidad Andina – LUCC 2012.

  • Project INOCAR-SENESCYT for the “Characterization hydro-oceanographic and environmental of shoreline”. Spanish: Proyecto INOCAR-SENESCYT para la “Caracterización hidro-oceanográfica y ambiental del margen costero. SENESCYT-INOCAR. 2012.


Hencz, Mátyás


Doctoral school

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (2017 - )


Geographer (Geomorphology specialisation), 2017

Language Skills




Monogenetic phreatomagmatic volcanoes in the Bakony-Balaton Highlands Volcanic Field

Volcanological studies of Si-rich pyroclastics in Northern Hungary

Contact Location:
Phone: +36703431183
E-mail: hencz.matyi92[at]


  • Field volcanology

Awards and honours

  • 1st place - Scientific Conference of Students, section of Physical Geography, Eötvös University, Faculty of Science, Budapest (Hungary) 2017

  • Special prize - XXXIII.Scientific Conference of Students, section of geology and sedimentary petrography, Debrecen (Hungary), 2017

  • Outstanding student of the Faculty of Science, Eötvös University, 2017


ResearchGate profile

Vágó, Csaba 


Doctoral school

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (2018 - )


Master of Science in Geography - Geomorphologist

Language Skills

english, german


Late Pleistocene environmental changes in the Southern Carpathian Mountains

Contact Location:1-217
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Awards and honours

  • 1st place - Student Conference of Environmental Science, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest 2017.

  • 2nd place - Student Conference of Geography, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest 2017.

  • 2nd place - Best Elevator Speech, Eötvös-day Conference Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest 2018.

  • 2nd place - Best Scientific Poster, Eötvös-day Conference Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest 2018.

  • Special award - Hungarian Geological Society Geomathematics and Informatics section, Hungarian Student Conference of Environmental Science, Section of Geoinformatics, Budapest, 2018.

  • Award - Outstanding Student Conference Activity, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 2018.

  • Award - XVI. Hungarian Student Conference of Environmental Science, Budapest, 2018.



  • Csaba Vágó 2018. Paleoglaciology and paleoclimate of the Rau Barbat valley (Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians), based on glacial geomorphology and GIS applications. GlobeEdit (Hungarian)



Schneck, Tamás 


Doctoral school

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (2018 - )


Geographer (specification in geomorphology) 2017

Language Skills



Data assimilation and sensitivity analysis of the meteorological boundary conditions of hydrological modelling


Location: 1.210/a
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Awards and honours




ResearchGate profil

Cseri, Zoltán 


Doctoral school

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (2018 - )


Geographer (Geomorphology specialisation), 2017

Language Skills




Studies of the AMS properties of ignimbrites in Bükk Foreland

Stratigraphical studies of silicic-rich pyroclastic rocks in North Hungary (applying of volcanological, paleomagnetic and geochemical methods)

Contact Location: Southern block 1.216
E-mail: cserizoltan92[at]


  •  Synthesis of physical geography (practice)

Awards and honours

  •  under construction...
