Mari, László
Assignment | associate professor | |
Qualification | Teacher of Geography and Biology (1987) UNIGIS Postgraduate Diploma in Geographical Information System (1998) | |
Scientific Degree | PhD | |
Language Skills | English | |
Research | Applications of GIS, Landcover change investigations with remote sensing methods. | |
Contact | Location: Southern Block 1.219 Phone: +36 1 3722500/1801 E-mail: malkact[at]; mari.laci[at] |
- Remote sensing
- Physical geography of Hungary and the Carpatho-Pannonian Region I-II.
- GIS in geography
- Geographic Information Systems
- Aerial and satellite image interpretation
- Digital Evaluation in Remote Sensing
- GIS systems
- GIS I.
- Synthesis in phisical geography
- Chapters of karstmorphology
- Remote sensing methods in physical geography (PhD course)
- Landcover change analysis with remote sensing methods (PhD course)
Scientific Public Life
- Scientific committee member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Committee on Geography II (Physical Geography)
- Member of public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Member of Hungarian Geographical Society
- Member of Hungarian Speleological Society
Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships
- National Students’ Competition, Eger, Second Prize in Physical Geography (1987)
- Publication Award of Hungarian Geographical Society, First Prize (1997)
- „Medal for Undergraduate Research” awarded by the Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University (2003)
- Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship (2001-2003)
- Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship (2003–2004)
International grants, scholarships
- 1990 Windesheim Christian University, Zwolle, Netherland, 1 week
- 1993–1994 study trip in Slovenia and Croatia, Centre of Scientific Research of the SAZU, The Institute of Karst Research, Postojna, 2 months
- 1995 University Moulay Ismail –Meknes, Morocco, 3 weeks
- 1998 Educational Institute of Misurata, Libya, 4 weeks
- 1998 University of Huddersfield, Department of Geographical and Environmental Sciences, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 3 weeks
- 2000 Ankara University, Turkey, 3 weeks
- 2001 University Moulay Ismail –Meknes, Morocco, 3 weeks
10 Selected Publications
- Mari L. Geomorfológiai megfigyelések a Szentendrei-szigeten – Földrajzi Közlemények 120. (44.) pp. 217-233.
- Mari L.– Fehér, K. 1999. The impacts of land use change on the Budapest hydrothermal-karst: a study of Szemlő-hegy cave – Essays in the Ecology and Conservation of Karst, IGU Comission Sustainable Development and Management of Karst Terrains, Acta Geographica Tom. Szeged, pp. 104–111.
- Mari L. A Szentendrei-sziget kialakulása és felszínének változása a holocénben – Földtani KözlönyVol. 132. különszám pp. 185–192.
- Mari L. Felszínborítás-változás vizsgálata térinformatikai módszerekkel az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park területén – Karsztfejlődés 8., Szombathely pp. 231–242.
- Büttner, G. – Feranec, J – Jaffrain, G. – Mari L.– Maucha, G. – Soukup, T. 2004. The CORINE Land Cover 2000 Project – EARSeL eProceedings 3(3), pp. 331-346.
- Mari L.– Mattányi Zs. 2005. Földrajzi információs rendszerrel támogatott tájföldrajzi vizsgálatok az Ipoly-völgy példáján – Földrajzi Értesítő pp. 265-284.
- Telbisz, T. - Bottlik, Zs. - Mari, L.- Kőszegi, M. 2014. The Impact of Topography on Social Factors, a Case Study of Montenegro - JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 11 : 1 pp. 131-141., 11 p.
- Telbisz, T. - Imecs, Z. - Mari, L.- Bottlik, Zs. 2016. Changing human-environment interactions in medium mountains: the Apuseni Mts (Romania) as a case study - JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 13 : 9 pp. 1675-1687., 13 p.
- Deák, M. - Telbisz, T. - Árvai, M. - Mari, L.- Horváth, F. - Kohán, B. - Szabó, O. - Kovács, J. 2017. Heterogeneous forest classification by creating mixed vegetation classes using EO-1 Hyperion - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 38 : 18 pp. 5215-5231., 17 p.
- Nagy, B. –Ignéczi, Á. – Kovács, J. – Szalai, Z. – Mari, L. 2019. Shallow ground temperature measurements on the highest volcano on Earth, Mt. Ojos del Salado, Arid Andes, Chile - PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES 30 : 1 pp. 3-18., 16 p.
Cumulative Impact Factor: 10,202
Independent Citations: 356
MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
Researchgate profile
Selected Research Grants
- FKFP 0152/2000 Természetvédelmi területek környezetének monitorozása térinformatikai és távérzékelési módszerekkel (2000-2002) principal investigator
- OTKA T033041 Nemzeti parkok védőzónájának kijelölése térinformatikai és távérzékelési módszerek felhasználásával (2000-2004) principal investigator
- 2012-2015: Complex (physical- and human geographical) comparative analysis of karst and non karst landscapes from the viewpoint of modern environmental possibilism (OTKA, principal investigator)
- 2017-2021: The changing role of karst national parks in human-environment relations: a regional comparison (NKFI, member)