Mari, László



associate professor


Teacher of Geography and Biology (1987)

UNIGIS Postgraduate Diploma in Geographical Information System (1998)

Scientific Degree


Language Skills



Applications of GIS, Landcover change investigations with remote sensing methods.

Contact Location: Southern Block 1.219
Phone: +36 1 3722500/1801
E-mail: malkact[at]; mari.laci[at]


  • Remote sensing
  • Physical geography of Hungary and the Carpatho-Pannonian Region I-II.
  • GIS in geography
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Aerial and satellite image interpretation
  • Digital Evaluation in Remote Sensing
  • GIS systems
  • GIS I.
  • Synthesis in phisical geography
  • Chapters of karstmorphology
  • Remote sensing methods in physical geography (PhD course)
  • Landcover change analysis with remote sensing methods (PhD course)

Scientific Public Life

  • Scientific committee member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Committee on Geography II (Physical Geography)
  • Member of public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Member of Hungarian Geographical Society
  • Member of Hungarian Speleological Society

Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships

  • National Students’ Competition, Eger, Second Prize in Physical Geography (1987)
  • Publication Award of Hungarian Geographical Society, First Prize (1997)
  • „Medal for Undergraduate Research” awarded by the Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University (2003)
  • Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship (2001-2003)
  • Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship (2003–2004)

International grants, scholarships

  • 1990 Windesheim Christian University, Zwolle, Netherland, 1 week
  • 1993–1994 study trip in Slovenia and Croatia, Centre of Scientific Research of the SAZU, The Institute of Karst Research, Postojna, 2 months
  • 1995 University Moulay Ismail –Meknes, Morocco, 3 weeks
  • 1998 Educational Institute of Misurata, Libya, 4 weeks
  • 1998 University of Huddersfield, Department of Geographical and Environmental Sciences, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 3 weeks
  • 2000 Ankara University, Turkey, 3 weeks
  • 2001 University Moulay Ismail –Meknes, Morocco, 3 weeks

10 Selected Publications

  1. Mari L. Geomorfológiai megfigyelések a Szentendrei-szigeten – Földrajzi Közlemények 120. (44.) pp. 217-233.
  2. Mari L.– Fehér, K.  1999. The impacts of land use change on the Budapest hydrothermal-karst: a study of Szemlő-hegy cave – Essays in the Ecology and Conservation of Karst, IGU Comission Sustainable Development and Management of Karst Terrains, Acta Geographica Tom. Szeged, pp. 104–111.
  3. Mari L. A Szentendrei-sziget kialakulása és felszínének változása a holocénben – Földtani KözlönyVol. 132. különszám pp. 185–192.
  4. Mari L. Felszínborítás-változás vizsgálata térinformatikai módszerekkel az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park területén – Karsztfejlődés 8., Szombathely pp. 231–242.
  5. Büttner, G. – Feranec, J – Jaffrain, G. – Mari L.– Maucha, G. – Soukup, T. 2004. The CORINE Land Cover 2000 Project – EARSeL eProceedings 3(3), pp. 331-346.
  6. Mari L.– Mattányi Zs. 2005. Földrajzi információs rendszerrel támogatott tájföldrajzi vizsgálatok az Ipoly-völgy példáján – Földrajzi Értesítő pp. 265-284.
  7. Telbisz, T. - Bottlik, Zs. - Mari, L.- Kőszegi, M. 2014. The Impact of Topography on Social Factors, a Case Study of Montenegro - JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 11 : 1 pp. 131-141., 11 p.
  8. Telbisz, T. - Imecs, Z. - Mari, L.- Bottlik, Zs. 2016. Changing human-environment interactions in medium mountains: the Apuseni Mts (Romania) as a case study - JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 13 : 9 pp. 1675-1687., 13 p.
  9. Deák, M. - Telbisz, T. - Árvai, M. - Mari, L.- Horváth, F. - Kohán, B. - Szabó, O. - Kovács, J. 2017. Heterogeneous forest classification by creating mixed vegetation classes using EO-1 Hyperion - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 38 : 18 pp. 5215-5231., 17 p.
  10. Nagy, B. –Ignéczi, Á. – Kovács, J. – Szalai, Z. – Mari, L. 2019. Shallow ground temperature measurements on the highest volcano on Earth, Mt. Ojos del Salado, Arid Andes, Chile - PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES 30 : 1 pp. 3-18., 16 p.


Cumulative Impact Factor: 10,202
Independent Citations: 356

MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
Researchgate profile

Selected Research Grants

  • FKFP 0152/2000 Természetvédelmi területek környezetének monitorozása térinformatikai és távérzékelési módszerekkel (2000-2002) principal investigator
  • OTKA T033041 Nemzeti parkok védőzónájának kijelölése térinformatikai és távérzékelési módszerek felhasználásával (2000-2004) principal investigator
  • 2012-2015: Complex (physical- and human geographical) comparative analysis of karst and non karst landscapes from the viewpoint of modern environmental possibilism (OTKA, principal investigator)
  • 2017-2021: The changing role of karst national parks in human-environment relations: a regional comparison (NKFI, member)