Gábris, Gyula
Assignment | Professor Emeritus | ![]() |
Qualification | Biology-Geography teacher (1965, ELTE) Cartographer (1966, ELTE) | |
Scientific Degree | Dr. Univ. (1970); PhD (1987) Dr. Habil (1997); Doctor of Sciences (2003, HAS) | |
Language Skills | English, French | |
Research | Physical Geography, above all Geomorphology (Fluvial and Aeolian processes), Holocene–Lateglacial palaeohydrology and -hydrography, Quaternary research. | |
Contact | Location: Southern Block 1.217 Phone: +36 1 3722500/1798 E-mail: gabris[at]ludens.elte.hu |
- Introduction to Physical Geography
- Geography of External Forces
- Synthesis of the Physical Geography
- Changing landscape of Carpathian Basin
- Climatic Geomorphology
- Physical Geography of Africa
- Physical Geography of Australia and Oceania
- Quaternary Research
- Geomorphology of arid lands
Scientific Public Life
- Director of the Institute of Geography 1992-1999
- Head of the Department of Physical Geography 1993-2007
- Member of Strategic Committee of Faculty 1999-2002 and 2005-2009
- Geography and Meteorology Program leader of PhD School in Earth Sciences 2001-2009
- President of the Council of Professors in Earth Sciences 2002-2010
- Member of Faculty Council of PhD School from 2004
- Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences 2005-2007
- Leader of PhD School of Earth Sciences from 2009
- Secretary of Committee on Geography II (Physical Geography) 1990-1993
- Vice president of Committee of Geography II. 1996-2001
- President of Committee of Geography II. 2001-2002 and 2005-2008
- Representative of Doctors in General Assembly of HAS 1997-2000 and 2007-2010
- Member of Curatorium Bolyai János Reseach scholarship
- Member of HAS’s Council of Doctors from 2008
- Jury-member (Earth Sciences II) of Hungarian Scientific Research Fund from 2007
- Secretary of Physical Geographical Section 1974-1989
- General Secretary 1989-93
- President of the Physical Geographical Section from 1997
- Vice-president of Society from 2005
- President of the Earth Sciences Section from 2009
Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships
Governmental decoration:
- Medal of Cultural Minister (1985)
Honour of the Hungarian Geographical Society:
- Pro Geographia charter (1982)
- Teleki Sámuel medal (1991), Honorary member (2004)
- Lóczy Lajos medal (2008)
Society for Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge:
- Charter of National Presidium (1986)
- Medal for outstanding popular work (1990)
Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences:
- Bugát Pál–Szentágothai János medal (2002)
- Teleki Pál medal (2004)
International grants, scholarships
- 1975 Algeria (6 months)
- 1975 Cluj (12 days)
- 1978/79 France (4 months)
- 1982 Zagreb (10 days)
- 1983 Belgium (5 months)
- 1986 Bratislava (1 week)
- 1986 Liège (1 week)
- 1987/88 East-Africa (6 months)
- 1991 Lille (2 weeks)
- 1991 Liège (2 weeks)
- 1995 Sofia (1 week)
- 1995 Zagreb (10 days)
- 1996 Morocco (3 weeks)
- 1998 Libya (4 weeks)
10 Selected Publications
- Gábris Gy: A folyóvìzi felszìnalakìtás módosulásai a hazai későglaciális–holocén őskörnyezet változásainak tükrében – Földrajzi Közlemények 119. (43) pp. 3-10. 1995
- Frechen, M. – Horváth E. – Gábris Gy.: Geochronology of Middle and Upper Pleistocene loess sections in Hungary. – Quaternary Research, 48. pp. 291-312. 1997
- Gábris Gy. – Horváth E. – Novothny Á. – Ujházy K.: History of environmental changes from the Last Glacial period in Hungary. – Praehistoria 3. pp. 9-22. 2002
- Gábris Gy. – Telbisz T. – Nagy B. – Belardinelli, B.: Upsilting of the floodplain of the Tisza River and the geomorphologic basis of the formation of deposits (A tiszai hullámtér feltöltődésének kérdése és az üledékképződés geomorfológiai alapjai. in Hungarian) – Vìzügyi Közlemények, 84. pp. 305-322. 2002
- Gábris Gy. – Kertész, Á. – Zámbó, L.: Land use change and gully formation over the last 200 years in a hilly catchment. – Catena, 50. pp. 151-164. 2003
- Ujházy, K. – Gábris Gy. – Frechen, M.: Ages of periods of sand movement in Hungary determined through luminescence measurements. – Quaternary International 111. pp. 91-100. 2003
- Gábris Gy.: A földtörténet utolsó 30 ezer évének szakaszai és a futóhomok mozgásának főbb periódusai Magyarországon. – Földrajzi Közlemények, 127 (51). pp. 1-14. 2003
- Gábris Gy. – Nádor A.: Long-term fluvial archives in Hungary: response of the Danube and Tisza rivers to tectonic movements and climatic changes during the Quaternary: a review. – Quaternary Sci. Reviews, 26/22-24. pp. 2758-2782. 2007
- Timár G. – .Gábris Gy.: Estimation of water conductivity of the natural flood channels on the Tisza flood-plain, the Great Hungarian Plain. – Geomorphology, doi:1016/j.geomorph2006.12.031 2007
- Gábris Gy.: Földfelszìn és éghajlat. A felszìnalaktan összegzése. – ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 225 p. 2007
Cumulative Impact Factor: 14,278
Independent Citations: 477
MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
ResearchGate profile