Research projects
Karátson, Dávid
1991-1993, 1994-1996: Geochronological, volcanological and geomorphological studies in the East Carpathians (participant); Hungarian-Romanian bilateral cooperation between Nuclear Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and ELTE Department of Physical Geography, Hungary, and Institutul Geologie al Romaniei (Bucharest) and SA Cuart (Baia Mare), Romania
1995-97: Volcanological and geochemical studies in Miocene to Pliocene volcanic products of the Pannonian Basin (participant); No. 05/2 MTA/CNR academic collaboration between ELTE Department of Petrology-Geochemistry and Physical Geography, Hungary, and Universitá di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra and Universitá di Urbino, Istituto di Vulcanologia e Geochimica, Italy
1995-1998: Complex volcanological-geomorphological study of the areas of Börzsöny Mts and Bükk foreland, project leader, OTKA (Hungarian National Research Fund) F015629, 432,000 HuF
1998-2001: Volcanological and volcano-structural study of Mátra Mountains and its vicinity, project leader, OTKA F026209, 800,000 HuF
2000-2002: Comparative volcano-sedimentological and paleogeographical investigation of the Miocene volcanism in Hungary, project leader, FKFP grant, 2,700,000 HuF
2000-2002: Data collection and preparation of volcanological field trip guides in Hungary, project leader, OTKA F032774,800,000 HuF
2003-2006: Volcanological research in the Hungarian andesite mountains, project leader, OTKA T043644, 4,400,000 HuF
2007-2011: Last eruptions of the Carpatho-Pannonian Region: Quaternary magmatism of the Southeastern Carpathians, participant, OTKA T68587, 13,000,000 HuF
Barta Gabriella
2016 - : OTKA K119366 (Hungarian Research Fund) - Multimethod analysis of Middle and Late Pleistocene landscape evolution and environmental changes – case studies on Hungarian loess covered areas (participant as fellow researcher)
2016 - : GINOP-2.3.2.-15-2016-00009 - Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre (ICER), (participant as fellow researcher)
2015 - 2016: TÉT_12_DE-1-2013-0019 - Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation with the LIAG, Hannover: Comparative analysis of the local variations of paleosols from the Late Pleistocene (participant as fellow researcher)
2010 - 2011 (2007-2011): OTKA K68219 (Hungarian Research Fund) - Complex comparative analysis of Quaternary sediments in the Gödöllő Hilly Region and Danube terraces: studies of morphotectonics and paleoenvironmental reconstruction (participant as fellow researcher between 2010-2011)
Gábris, Gyula
Magyarország kis- és középtájainak távérzékelési módszerekkel történő kutatása (1983/85) / témavezető
Tihany tájvédelmi körzet geomorfológiai és geobotanikai feltárása (1983/85) / team tag
Mari, László
2001-2004: OTKA: Research of the Quarternary development history of the Gömör-Torna-karst and Paleomagnetic research of the cave sediment of the Baradla cave - research leader;
2009-2011: Complex investigation on changes occuring due to natural processes and human activities of epikarstic systems on two Hungarian sites - research leader
Móga, János
2001: négy éves OTKA kutatási támogatás (T 035004 sz. pályázat) a Gömör–Tornai-karszt negyedidőszaki fejlődéstörténete és a Baradla-barlang üledékeinek paleomágneses vizsgálata c. kutatási témához,
2000-2001: a Berettyó vízgyűjtőjének környezeti állapot felmérése a kolozsvári Babeş-Bolyai Tudományegyetemen munkatársaival,
2004: Magyar-kínai TéT csereprogram, Kunming-Budapest,
Nagy, Balázs
1996-1998: OTKA: Surface evolution of the Sajó-Hernád alluvial fan
1997-1998: TéT: Hungarian-Polish: Research work at the H. Arctowski Antarctic base
2005, 2006-2007: Hungarian-Romanian: Investigation of spatial and temporal variability of environmental change of the Carpathian Region during the past five century, RO-37
2007-2009: Hungarian-Croatian: Environmet changes on karst terrains, CRO-04/2006
2007-2009: FEFA: Az EU LIFE 03/H/000 291 projekt 1.1 subprogram (2003/06) Castrum-Tétel Program
Telbisz, Tamás
2001-2005: Investigation of fulvic acid transport by karstic infiltration using data from the Aggtelek Karst monitoring system (OTKA, research member);
2003-2006: Volcanological research in the North Hungarian andesitic volcanic mountains (OTKA, research member);
Comparative volcano sedimentological and paleogeographical study of Hungarian Miocene volcanism (FKFP, research member);
2001-2002: Study of recently recognized karst corrosion factors on Japanese and Hungarian karst terrains from an environmental point of view (TéT, research member)
2012-2015: Complex (physical- and human geographical) comparative analysis of karst and non karst landscapes from the viewpoint of modern environmental possibilism (OTKA, research member)
2015-2019: Eruptive rates and erosional dynamics of the Inner Carpathian volcanism as constrained by volumetry, radiometric chronology and paleomagnetism (OTKA, research member)
2012-2015: Analysis of Human-Environment Relationships on Karst Terrains Using GIS Methods (MTA Bolyai)
2017-2021: The changing role of karst national parks in human-environment relations: a regional comparison (NKFI, principal investigator)