Móga, János
Assignment | associate professor | ![]() |
Qualification | Geomorphologist and Teacher of Geography | |
Scientific Degree | PhD | |
Language Skills | English, Russian, German | |
Research | Physical geography, Geomorphology, (Karstmorphology) Environmental research of karst landscapes, Geography of the Carpathian basin. | |
Contact | Location: Southern Block 1.218 Phone: +36 1 3722500/1799 E-mail: janosmoga12[at]gmail.com |
- Climatical karstmorphology
- Environmental research of karst landscapes
- Geography of India
- Karst research, karst morphology
- Morphogenetic karst types of the Carpathian ranges and basin
- The physical geographical belts
- The physical geography of the Carpathian basin
Scientific Public Life
- Hungarian Karst and Speleological Society membership of the Price Committe
- Council membership of the Aggtelek National Park
- Member of Hungarian Geographical Society
- Member of Hungarian Geological Society
Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships
- For Excellent Work price (1981)
- Teleki Sámuel Price given by the Hungarian Geographical Society (1992)
- Kadič Ottokár Price given by the Hungarian Karst and Speleological Society (1999)
- Trefort Ágoston Price given by the Eötvös Loránd University (1999)
- Békéssy György Grant (2001)
International grants, scholarships
- S-SE Asia grant (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malajsia) (10 months) OÖT, 1980-81
- Mongolia (1 month), 1983
- Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire (6 months) OÖT, 1984-85
- China (6 weeks), 1985
- Soviet Union (3 weeks) ELTE, 1987
- Finnland (3 months) OÖT, 1991
- Slovakia (1 month) OÖT, 1994
- Romania (1 month) OÖT, 1995
- Germany (1 month) ELTE, 1998
- Slovenia (1 month) MÖB, 1999
- Italy (1 week) MÖB, 2001
- China, Hungarian-China research Exchange Programm, Kunming-Budapest (2 weeks) TÉT, 2004
- Egypt (2 weeks), 2005
- Turkey (2 weeks), 2006
- India (21 days), 2007
- Vietnam, Laosz, Burma (1 month), 2009
10 Selected Publications
- Móga J. 1995: Az Erdélyi-középhegység (Muntii Apuseni) – Földrajzi Közlemények, 119. 2, pp. 105-136.
- Csüllög G. – Móga J. 1997: Geomorphology and drainage of the S–Gömör–Torna karst region in view of an environmental hazard – Zeitschrift Geomorphology. Suppl. Bd., 110, pp. 255–261.
- Móga J. 1999: The reconstruction of the development history of karstic water network on the southern part of the Gömör-Torna karst on the bases of ruined caves and surface forms – Acta Carsologica Ljubljana, pp. 159-174.
- Móga J. 2001: A szerkezet és kőzetfelépítés szerepe a Szilicei-fennsík karsztos felszínformáinak kialakításában – Karsztfejlődés VI. Szombathely, pp. 143-159.
- Móga J. 2002: Morphogenetical karst types of the Transylvanian mountains (Mt. Apuseni) – Acta Carsologica, Ljubljana, pp. 115-138.
- Móga J. 2003: Az Aggteleki-karszt és a Rudabányai-Szalonnai-hegység. in: Székely K. (szerk.): Magyarország fokozottan védett barlangjai – Mezőgazda pp. 19-25.
- Bosák, P. – Hercman, H. – Kadlec, J. – Móga J. – Pruner, P. 2004: Paleomagnetic And U-series Dating Of Cave Sediments in the Baradla Cave, Hungary – Acta Carsologica, Ljubljana 33. 2, pp. 219-238.
- Móga J. – Horváth G. 2004: The viewpoints of the indication of the surface protection areas connected to caves. in: Horváth G. (szerk.): Soil effect on karst processes, pp. 89-106.
- Móga J. – Németh R. 2005: The morphological research of the basalt and loess covered plateaus in the Bakony mountains (Transdanubian Middle Mts.- Hungary) – Acta Carsologica, Ljubljana 34. 2, pp. 105-122.
- Nemerkényi A.– Móga J. 2007: Kárpátok és Kárpát-medence. in: Gábris Gy. (szerk.): Európa regionális földrajza 1. Természetföldrajz – Eötvös kiadó Budapest, pp. 140-173.
MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
ResearchGate profile
Selected Research Grants
- OTKA: Research of the Quarternary development history of the Gömör-Torna-karst and Paleomagnetic research of the cave sediment of the Baradla cave (2001-2004) research leader
- Complex investigation on changes occuring due to natural processes and human activities of epikarstic systems on two Hungarian sites (2009-2011) research leader