Nagy, Balázs
Assignment | Professor Associate | ![]() |
Qualification | Geography teacher (1995) | |
Scientific Degree | PhD | |
Language Skills | English | |
Research | Periglacial and glacial geomorphology, fluvial processes, Late Glacial-Holocene environmental changes, alpine and polar geography. | |
Contact | Location: Southern Block 1.211 Phone: +36 1 3722500/1801 E-mail: balazs[at] |
- Geography of Internal Forces
- Geography of External Forcess
- Anthropogenic Geomorphology
- Synthesis in Physical Geography
- Carpathian Mountains
- Physical Geography of Asia
- Physical Geography of America
- Geography of Polar Region and the Seas
- Holocene Surface Evolution of High Mountains
- Field Practice
Scientific Public Life
- Földgömb for Scientific Expeditions, Head of Foundation;
- Committee-member of Hungarian Geographical Society
Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships
- Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Scholarship (2004-2005);
- ELTE, Outstanding Lecturer (2008);
- Hungarian Geographical Society: Pro Geografia Certificate (2009)
10 Selected Publications
- Gábris Gy. – Telbisz T. –Nagy B.– Belardinelli E. 2002. A tiszai hullámtér feltöltődésének kérdése és az üledékképződés geomorfológiai alapjai – Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXIV/3., pp. 305-323.
- 2. Nagy B. – Kern Z. – Bugya É. – Kohán B. 2004. Investigation of postglacial surface evolution in the alpine region of the Călimani Mountains – with an outlook to the cirque region of the Rodnei Mountains – Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, Geografie, vol. XIV. pp. 101-118.
- 3. Gábris Gy. – Nagy B. 2005. Climate and tectonic controlled river style changes on the Sajó-Hernád alluvial fan, Hungary – In: Harvey, A. M.–Mather, A. E.–Stokes, M. (eds.) Alluvial fans: Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Dynamics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 251. pp. 61-67.
- 4. Kern Z. – Fórizs I. – Nagy B. – Kázmér M .– Gál A. – Szántó Zs. – Palcsu L. – Molnár M. 2005. Late Holocene environmental changes recorded at Gheţarul de Focul Viu, Bihor Mts., Romania – Theoretical and Applied Karstology 17. pp. 51-60.
- 5. Fórizs I. – Kern Z. – Nagy B. – Szántó Zs. – Palcsu L. –Molnár M. 2005. Environmental isotope study on perennial ice in the Focul Viu Ice Cave, Bihor Mts., Romania – Theoretical and Applied Karstology 17. pp. 61-69.
- 6. Nagy B. .– Kern Z. – Popa I. 2006. A periglaciális környezet változásainak elemzése a Kelemen-havasokban, geomorfológiai és dendrokronológiai módszerek alkalmazásával – Földrajzi Közlemények CXXX. (LIV.) kötet, 3-4. szám, pp. 155-169.
- 7. Kern Z. – Nagy B. – Kohán B. – Bugya É. 2006. Glaciological characterization of small paleoglaciers from Calimani Mountains – Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, Vol. XVI, pp. 35-44.
- 8. Kern Z. – Molnár M. – Svingor É. – Perşiou, A. – Nagy B. 2009. High-resolution, weel-preserved tritium record int he ice of Bortig Ice Cave, Bihor Mountains, Romania – The Holocene, Vol. 19, Num. 5, pp. 729-736.
- 9. Nagy B. – Bugya É. 2009. A jégvisszahúzódás és a periglaciális környezetváltozás vizsgálata lichenometriai módszerekkel az Antarktisz peremvidékén (King George-sziget, Ny-Antarktisz) – Kázmér M. (szerk.): Környezettörténet, Hantken Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 453-464.
- 10. Telbisz T. – Dragasice, H.– Nagy B. 2009. Doline morphometric analysis and karst morphology of Biokovo Mt (Croatia) based on field observations and digital terrain analysis – Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik 71/2, pp. 5-22.
MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
ResearchGate profile
Selected Research Grants
- TéT: Hungarian-Polish: Research work at the H. Arctowski Antarctic base (1997-1998) Hungarian-Romanian: Investigation of spatial and temporal variability of environmental change of the Carpathian Region during the past five century, RO-37, 2005, (2006-2007) Hungarian-Croatian: Environmet changes on karst terrains, CRO-04/2006, (2007-2009);
- OTKA: Surface evolution of the Sajó-Hernád alluvial fan (1996-1998)
- FEFA: Az EU LIFE 03/H/000 291 projekt 1.1 subprogram (2003/06) Castrum-Tétel Program, (2007-2009)
- A Földgömb, Editor in Chief (2006-)