
Novothny, Ágnes



assisstant professor


Geographer, Hydrologist (1999)

Scientific Degree


Language Skills

English, German (basic)


Quaternary Research, Luminescence dating, Granulometry measurements

Contact Location: Southern Block 1.211
Phone: +36 1 3722500/1803
E-mail: novothnyagi[at]caesar.elte.hu


  • Mathematics in Geography
  • Astronomical Geography
  • Geography of Internal Forces
  • Geography of External Forces
  • Hydro-geography
  • Quaternary Geochronology
  • Field Practice

Scientific Public Life

  • under construction

Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships

  • 1998: Soros Scholarship to the Cheltenham & Glouchester College of Higher Education, Center for Environmental Change & Quaternary Research
  • 2005-2008: Leibniz-DAAD PhD Fellowship to the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, Germany
  • 2009: Marie Curie Fellowship to the Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Physics, Department of Radioisotopes, Gliwice, Poland
  • 2009-2011: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Physical Geography
  • 2011: DAAD Postdoctoral Scholarship to the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, Germany
  • 2011-2015: OTKA Postdoctoral Scholarship at the Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Physical Geography
  • 2015: DAAD Postdoctoral Scholarship to the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, Germany
  • 2017-: Bolyai Postdoctoral Scholarship
  • 2017: ÚNKP Postdoctoral Scholarship

Selected Publications

  1. Novothny, Á., Gábris, Gy., Tsukamoto, S., Thamó-Bozsó, E., Techmer, A., Frechen, M. (2017). Late Pleistocene restructuring of the river network on the Great Hungarian Plain: Evidence from the Tiszasas section. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften - German Journal of Geology.
  2. Karátson, D., Wulf, S., Veres, D., Magyari, E., Gertisser, R., Timár, A.G., Novothny, Á., Telbisz, T., Szalai, Z., Anechitei, V., Király, E., Appelt, O., Bormann, M., Jánosi, Cs., Schäbitz, F. 2016. The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians - a tephrostratigraphic approach for the 52-29 ka BP time interval. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 319, 29-51.
  3. Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs, Braucher R, Novothny Á, Csillag G, Fodor L, Molnár G, Madarász B. 2016. Tectonic and climatic control on terrace formation: Coupling in situ produced 10Be depth profiles and luminescence approach, Danube River, Hungary, Central Europe. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 131:(Part A), 127-147.
  4. Harangi Sz, Lukács R, Schmitt AK, Dunkl I, Molnár K, Kiss B, Seghedi I, Novothny Á, Molnár M. 2015. Constraints on the timing of Quaternary volcanism and duration of magma residence at Ciomadul volcano, east–central Europe, from combined U–Th/He and U–Th zircon geochronology. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 301, 66-80.
  5. Bradák B, Kiss K, Barta G, Varga Gy, Szeberényi J, Józsa S, Novothny Á, Kovács J, Markó A, Mészáros E, Szalai Z. 2014. Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: preliminary results. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 319, 119-136.
  6. Rolf C, Hambach U, Novothny A, Horváth E, Schnepp E. 2014. Dating of a Last Glacial loess sequence by relative geomagnetic palaeointensity: A case study from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttő, Hungary). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 319, 99-108.
  7. Königer, P., Barta, G., Thiel, C., Bajnóczi, B., Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Techmer, A., Frechen, M. 2014. Stable isotope composition of bulk and secondary carbonates from the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence in Süttő, Hungary. Quaternary International 319.
  8. Újvári G, Molnár M, Novothny Á, Páll-Gergely B, Kovács J, Várhegyi A. 2014. AMS 14C and OSL/IRSL dating of the Dunaszekcső loess sequence (Hungary): chronology for 20 to 150 ka and implications for establishing reliable age–depth models for the last 40 ka. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 106:(SI), 140-154.
  9. Gabris G, Horvath E, Novothny A, Ruszkiczay-Rudiger Zs. 2012. Fluvial and aeolian landscape evolution in Hungary - results of the last 20 years research. NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES-GEOLOGIE EN MIJNBOUW 91:(1-2) pp. 111-128. (2012)
  10. Novothny, Á., Frechen, M., Horváth, E., Wacha, L., Rolf, C. 2011. High resolution grain size and magnetic susceptibility record of the penultimate and last glacial cycles at the Süttő loess section, in Hungary. Quaternary International 234, 75-85.
  11. Wacha, L., Pavlaković, S.M., Novothny, Á., Crnjaković, M., Frechen M. 2011. Luminescence dating of Upper Pleistocene loess from the Island of Susak in Croatia. Quaternary International 234, 50-61.
  12. Novothny, Á., Frechen, M., Horváth, E. 2010. Luminescence dating of sand movement periods from the Gödöllő Hills, Hungary. Geomorphology 122, 254-263.
  13. Novothny, Á., Frechen, M., Horváth, E., Krbetschek, M., Tsukamoto, S. 2010. Infrared stimulated luminescence and infrared-radiofluorescence dating of quaternary sediments in Hungary. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 114-119.
  14. Novothny, Á., Frechen, M., Horváth, E., Bradák, B., Oches, E.A., McCoy, W., Stevens, T. 2009. Luminescence and amino acid racemization chronology and magnetic susceptibility record of the loess-paleosol sequence at Süttő, Hungary. Quaternary International 198, 62-76.
  15. Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Frechen, M. 2002. The Loess Profile at Albertirsa, Hungary. – Improvements in Loess stratigraphy by Luminescence Dating. Quaternary International 95-96, 155-163.
  16. Novothny, Á., Ujházy, K. 2000. A termo- és optikai lumineszcens kormeghatározás elméleti alapjai és gyakorlati kérdései a negyedidőszaki kutatásokban. Földrajzi Értesítő 49, 165-187. (The theoretical fundaments and practical questions of thermoluminescence and optical luminescence dating in Quaternary research, Geographical Bulletin 49, 165-187.)


Impact factor: ~34,251 (2011-2016: 25,05)

MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)

ResearchGate profile

Selected Research Grants

  • 2016-2020: OTKA K119366 „Genesis and postpedogenic alterations of paleosols in loesses and possibilities for paleoenvironmental reconstruction”
  • 2015-2019: OTKA K115472. “Eruptive rates and erosional dynamics of the Inner Carpathian volcanism as constrained by volumetry, radiometric chronology and paleomagnetism.”
  • 2011-2015: OTKA PD 100315. “Luminescence Dating of Middle- and Late Pleistocene loess sequences”
  • 2009-2011: Participation in the Baross Gábor program - 2009. Setting up a Luminescence Preparation and Measurement Laboratory at the Eötvös Loránd University. Supported by: REG_KM_INFRA_09
  • 2007-2011: OTKA K68219. “Late Miocene – Quaternary structure formation and surface development in and around the Gödöllő-Hilly Region.”

Pinke, Zsolt



Senior Research Scientist


MA (History, University of Pécs, 2001)

Scientific Degree

Ph.D. (History, University of Pécs, 2015; Environmental science, SZIE, 2018)

Language Skills

 Engish, French, Latin, Russian


Climate change impact on grain yields in drought vulnerable plains of the Northern Hemisphere and a response to the challenge; Investigation for the opportunities of landscape restoration; Long term interactions between social and environmental structures

Contact Location: Southern Block 1.502
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Environmental history
  • Environmental history of the Hungarian Plain
  • Global food security and climate change 

Prizes, Awards, Scholarships

  • 2021– Member of the public body at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2020–2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship at the Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology
  • 2020– Agronomy, Topic Editor
  • 2020 Certificate of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence
  • 2019 Certificate of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence
  • 2018- Postdoctoral fellowship of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary at the Department of Physical Geography of Eötvös Lóránd University
  • Elsevier reviewer award: Outstanding reviewer (within the top 10th percentile) of the Journal of Historical Geography
  • 2013–2014. Research fellowship for doctoral candidates in the National Excellence Program co-financed by the European Social Fund and the State of Hungary (excellent qualification)
  • 2012 Essay Application for the National Association of Doctoral Candidates, Hungary, 1st Prize
  • 2010 ’In Half Time’ Conference of the Central European Doctoral School of Spatial, Urban, Rural and Environmental Development: 4th National Environmental Economy PhD Conference, 2nd Prize
  • Master Thesis: “History of Tisza River regulation” (in Hungarian), 2nd Prize at the National Scientific Students' Associations Assembly

Selected Publications

  1. 2022 Pinke, Z., Decsi, B., Jámbor, A., Kardos, Z., Kern, Z., Kozma, Z. & Ács, T, Climate change and modernization drive structural realignments in European grain production. Scientific Reports 12, 7374. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10670-6
  2. 2021 Morisson, K. et al. (inc. Pinke Z.) Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization. Plos One 6, e0246662. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246662.
  3. 2020 Pinke, Z., Decsi, B., Kozma, Z., Vári, Á. & Lövei, G. L. A spatially explicit analysis of wheat and maize yield sensitivity to changing groundwater levels in Hungary, 1961-2010. Sciences of Total Environment 715, 136555. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136555
  4. 2019 Pinke, Z., Pow, S. & Kern, Z. Cholera outbreaks can be triggered by tropical volcanic mega-eruptions? A hypothesis. Climate Research 79, 151–162.
  5. 2018 Pinke, Z., Kiss, M. & Lövei, G. L. Developing an integrated land use planning system on reclaimed wetlands of the Hungarian Plain using economic valuation of ecosystem. Ecosystem Services 30B, 299–308.
  6. 2017 Pinke, Z., Ferenczi, L., F. Romhányi, B., Laszlovszky, J. & Pow, S. Climate of doubt: a reevaluation of Büntgen and Di Cosmo’s environmental hypothesis for the Mongol withdrawal from Hungary, 1242 CE. Scientific Reports 7, 12695. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12128-6.
  7. 2017 Pinke, Z. & Lövei, G. L. Increasing temperature cuts back crop yields in Hungary over the last  90 years. Global Change Biology 23, 5426–5435.
  8. 2017 Pinke, Z., Ferenczi, L., F. Romhányi, B., Gyulai, F., Laszlovszky, J, Mravcsik, Z., Pósa, P. & Gábris, G. Zonal assessment of environmental driven settlement abandonment in the medieval Trans-Tisza region, Central Europe. Quaternary Science Review 157, 98–113.
  9. 2016 Pinke, Z., Ferenczi, L., Gábris, G. & Nagy, B. Settlement patterns as indicators of water level rising? Case study on the wetlands of the Great Hungarian Plain. Quaternary International 415,
  10. 2014 Pinke, Z. Modernization and decline: an eco‐historical perspective on regulation of the Tisza Valley, Hungary. Journal of Historical Geography 45, 92–105.


Independent Citations: 753
H index: 16
Cumulative Impact Factor: >100

SJR ranking position of the articles, Q1: 18.

Publications and citations at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Selected Research Grants

  • 2023– Expert, Merlin, H2020 Research and Innovation action
  • 2020– Principal Investigator, FK OTKA, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary at the Department of Physical Geography of Eötvös Lóránd University
  • 2020–2021 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions individual fellowship, Aarhus University
  • 2018–2022 Postdoctoral researcher of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary at the Department of Physical Geography of Eötvös Lóránd University
  • 2018–2020 Expert of the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA ÖK) in Hungarian Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Service – Strategic investigations on the long-term preservation and development of natural heritage of community importance and on the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 objective
  • 2017– Member, 2ka Paleoclimatology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2015–2017 European land use coordinator of the PAGES LandCover6K project
  • 2014–2016 Mediator of Deep Forest Ltd – MTA ÖK consortium among academic and industrial partners in the LEGO habitat rehabilitation project (the first habitat restoration project that took place in the field of a working giant factory in Nyíregyháza, Hungary)
  • 2013–2014 Research fellowship for doctoral candidates in the National Excellence Program co-financed by the European Social Fund and the State of Hungary (excellent qualification)
  • 2012 Member, Communication and Knowledge Transfer in Medieval Monastic Networks (International Research Programme led by Central European University
  • 2011 Expert of National Office of Cultural Heritage (KÖH) in TÉKA Landscape Valuation and Characterisation International Research Programme (Norway Grant)

Biró, Tamás



assistant professor


geographer (specification in geomorphology) 2014

Language Skills

English, French


volcanology; chemistry of quartzes in Si-saturated magmatic systems (trace element chemistry, H2O); flow and emplacement processes of pyroclastic density currents (PDC), lahars

Contact Location: Southern Block 1.219
E-mail: tbiro.geogr[at]gmail.com


  • Field volcanology
  • Endogenous forces of Earth (practice)
  • Geography of external forces (practice)
  • Physical Geography of Hungary and the Carpathian Basin (practice)
  • Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar)
  • Geosciences Seminar (Eötvös University, Bolyai Szakkollégium)

Awards and honours

  • MSc degree with honors, Eötvös University, Faculty of Science, Budapest (Hungary), 2014
  • Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Science, Eötvös University, Budapest (Hungary), 2014
  • "Best Oral Presentation by the Audience" – 5th International Students Geological Conference, Budapest (Hungary), 2014
  • Best presentation in theoretical section (1st place) – 45th Meeting of Young Geoscientists), Balatonföldvár (Hungary), 2014
  • 1st place – Scientific Conference of Students, section of Physical Geography, Eötvös University, Faculty of Science, Budapest (Hungary) 2014
  • Fellowship of the Republic of Hungary, 2013/2014
  • Best Oral Presentation – 4th International Students Geological Conference, Brno (Czech Republic), 2013
  • Best presentation of the earth sciences section – 14th conference of the Eötvös Kollegium (Budapest, Hungary), 2013
  • Fellowship of the Republic of Hungary, 2012/2013
  • Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Science, Eötvös University, Budapest (Hungary), 2012
  • 1st place – Scientific Conference of Students, section of sedimentary geology and sedimentary petrography, Nyíregyháza (Hungary), 2011
  • Special Prize – Scientific Conference of Students, section of sedimentary geology and sedimentary petrography, Nyíregyháza (Hungary), 2011
  • 1st place – Scientific Conference of Students, section of Physical Geography, Eötvös University, Faculty of Science, Budapest (Hungary) 2010

Publications, abstracts

  • Biró, T., Karátson, D., Márton, E., Józsa, S., Bradák, B. 2014: Determining clast and magnetic fabric of a subaqueous lahar deposit as a tool for reconstructing paleoflow directions and emplacement processes – 9th ESSEWECA (Environmental, Sedimentary & Structural Evolution of the Western Carpathians) Conference, Smolenice (Slovakia), 2014.11.5-7
  • Biró T., Karátson D., Márton E., Józsa S., Bradák B. 2014: Flow directions and emplacement mode of a subaqueous ignimbrite based on twofold directional fabric analyses – Acta Mineralogica Petrographica, Abstract Series 8, p. 
  • Biró T., Karátson D., Márton E., Józsa S., Bradák B. 2014: Flow directions and emplacement mode of a Middle Miocene subaqueous ignimbrite revealed by photo-statistics and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) – 46. Ifjú Szakemberek An-kétja (Meeting of young geoscientists), Balatonföldvár, 2014.03.28-29
  • Biró T. 2014: Tectonically preformed valley pattern and formation related to volcanic structure on Ceraunius Tholus - Abstract #1403, 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, Amerikai Egyesült Államok
  • Biró T. 2013: Paleoflow direction in volcanogenic mass-flow deposits using a GIS-based photostatistical method – A case study from the Visegrád Mountains, Hungary – Conference Proceedings, 4th International Students Geological Conference, Brno, p. 18.
  • Biró T., Józsa S., Karátson D., Szenthe I. 2013: A budai Mátyás-hegy bryozoás márga összletébe települt vulkanogén képződmény kőzettani- vulkanológiai vizsgálata – Földtani Közlöny 143/3, pp. 239-249.
  • Karátson D., Telbisz T., Harangi Sz., Magyari E., Dunkl I., Kiss B., Jánosi Cs., Veres D., Braun M., Fodor E., Biró T., Kósik Sz., Von Eynatten H., Lin D. 2013: Morphometrical and geochronological constraints on the youngest eruptive activity in East-Central Europe at the Ciomadul (Csomád) lava dome complex, East Carpathians. – Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research, 157-158, pp. 56-72.


MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
ResearchGate profile

Fanni Vörös






Scientific Degree


Language Skills




Contact Room: Déli Tömb 1-216
Email: fannivrs[kukac]gmail.com



Prices, awards

Foreign studies


Scientometric data



Research projects


Barta, Gabriella



research fellow


Geographer (2010)

Scientific Degree

PhD (2016)

Language Skills

English, German


Research of secondary carbonates in loess-paleosol sequences

Contact Location: Southern Block 1.222
Phone: +36 1 3722500/1804
E-mail: gabriella.barta[kukac]ttk.elte.hu


  • Astronomical Geography (practice)
  • Geography of External Forces (practice)
  • Physical Geography of Hungary and the Carpathian Basin (practice)
  • Studies of Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction from the Quaternary
  • Synthesis in Physical Geography (practice)

International grants, scholarships

  • 2010 - 2018 (in total 11 months) - Leibniz Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Hannover; DAAD; ERASMUS Traineeship, Erasmus+, Campus Hungary Short Term Study Program
  • 2009 (4 months) - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II.; ERASMUS

10 Selected Publications

  1. Barta, G. 2016. Analysis of secondary carbonates from the young loess-paleosol sequences of the Carpathian Basin – especially regarding their paleoenvironmental role. PhD dissertation, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 207 p., DOI: 10.15476/ELTE.2016.044.
  2. Barta, G. - Golden, D.C. - Dixon, J.C. 2015. Spherule. In: Hargitai, H. - Kereszturi, Á. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. New York-Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London, Springer Science+Business Media, 3 Volumes, 2460 p.
  3. Barta, G. – De Hon, R. 2015. Amphitheater-Headed Valley (Mars, Earth). In: In: Hargitai, H. - Kereszturi, Á. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. New York-Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London, Springer Science+Business Media, 3 Volumes, 2460 p.
  4. Barta, G. – De Hon, R. – Hargitai, H. 2015. Sapping Valley. In: Hargitai, H. - Kereszturi, Á. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. New York-Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London, Springer Science+Business Media, 3 Volumes, 2460 p.
  5. Ruff, S.W. – Pankine, A.A. – Barta, G. 2015. Aeolian Dust Deposits. In: Hargitai, H. - Kereszturi, Á. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. New York-Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London, Springer Science+Business Media, 3 Volumes, 2460 p.
  6. Barta, G. 2014. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the morphology and distribution of secondary carbonates of the loess-paleosol sequence at Süttő, Hungary. Quaternary International 319, pp. 65-75.
  7. Bradák, B. - Kiss, K. - Barta, G. - Varga, Gy. - Szeberényi, J. - Józsa, S. - Novothny, Á. - Kovács, J. - Markó, A. - Mészáros, E. - Szalai, Z. 2014. Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: preliminary results. Quaternary International 319, pp. 119-136.
  8. Koeniger, P. - Barta, G. - Thiel, C. - Bajnóczi, B. - Novothny, Á. - Horváth, E. - Techmer, A. - Frechen, M. 2014. Stable isotope composition of bulk and secondary carbonates from the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence in Süttő, Hungary. Quaternary International 319, pp. 38-49.
  9. Barta, G. 2011. Secondary carbonates in loess-paleosoil sequences: a general review. Central European Journal of Geosciences 3 (2), pp. 129-146.
  10. Barta, G. 2011. The structure and origin of loess dolls - a case study from the loess-paleosoil sequence of Süttő, Hungary. Journal of Environmental Geography 4/1-4; pp. 1-10.


MTMT (scientific publications and summary tables)
ResearchGate profile

Selected research grants

  • Postdoctoral excellence programme - NRDIO PD128908: Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of earthworm biospheroids, as promising paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic proxies – case studies from loess-paleosol sequences (2018- up to now, research fellow)
  • OTKA K119366 (Hungarian Research Fund) - Multimethod analysis of Middle and Late Pleistocene landscape evolution and environmental changes – case studies on Hungarian loess covered areas (2016-2020, participant as fellow researcher)
  • GINOP-2.3.2.-15-2016-00009 - Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre (ICER), (2016-2020, participant as fellow researcher)
  • TÉT_12_DE-1-2013-0019 - Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation with the LIAG, Hannover: Comparative analysis of the local variations of paleosols from the Late Pleistocene (2015-2016, participant as fellow researcher)
  • OTKA K68219 (Hungarian Research Fund) - Complex comparative analysis of Quaternary sediments in the Gödöllő Hilly Region and Danube terraces: studies of morphotectonics and paleoenvironmental reconstruction (2007-2011, participant as fellow researcher between 2010-2011)